Monday, January 23, 2012 | By: Kreado

Kreado 21 Jan 2012 - Mixed Media Painting

Yesterday we had our first Kreado session with 4 people in attendance. I have to say that I really enjoy the smaller groups because it gives me the opportunity to play with art with them. Sometimes I might even take them through the steps of the project as we go along. A plus point with small groups are also that I can give individual attention and catch up on what is going on in the lives of Kreado's regulars.

During our session yesterday it seemed like we couldn't get enough of speaking about art. Different techniques and different things you can do with mixed media. We also touched on topics regarding being spontanous or following instructions. 

In between all of this we were having fun painting and listening to music. And of course we had our tea breaks. But I must admit that we got so involved with our projects that the coffee and tea got cold.

For our next Kreado we will be doing decoupage. I am still deciding on which project we will do this since my original idea was to use carton schoolcases. At least I think that is what you call them. Remember those brown carton cases that we took to school? We used to buy them from PEP.Unfortunately though they are not being produced anymore. That is what I have heard. So we will decoupage a woonden project and I am leaning towards soming box like or even jewelery box like. I am not sure. We will see what Jimnettes has to offer.
Until next time then!
Sunday, January 22, 2012 | By: Kreado

Mixed Media Painting Try out

Our first Kreado session of the year has come and gone. The Mixed Media Painting was a first for me and I had to try it out. The painting is more playing with textures and basically 'cheating' by glueing a picture to the canvas before painting over it. No drawing required! I know this is not the proper way of doing it but during the Kreado sessions I have realised that many people are scared of drawing. Mostly it stems from negative words from their school teachers. You know the words... only creative people can draw. So if you can not draw you are basically done for in the creativity department! 
And so many a people surpress their creative side. Very sad but true.

My supplies for this project included the following:
- Statex (as a texture paint)
- Decopodge (as a glue)
- Sand
- Canvas
- Landscape picture (black and white, or colour)
- Acrylic paint
- Paint brushes
All supplies purchased from Jimnettes in Lynnwoodridge Mall.

I started off the project by looking for a number of pictures on the internet. The instructions that I got from Fast Art (book by Monique Day-Wilde and Angie Franke) had a windmill landscape as an example and I thought this was a wonderful theme. 
After finding the appropriate pictures I proceeded by tearing the edges of the paper slightly to ensure that the paper will not be clearly seen through the top layer of paint. 
I then decoupaged the entire picture on top of the canvas trying to have the minimum amount of bubbles.

Making sure that the decoupage dryed completely I applied the Statex next.
The goal was to have a considerable amount of texture on the painting. 
I also added sand on top the Statex. In their book 'Wonderful Ways with Mixed Media' - Monique Day-Wilde and Angie Franke included pressing bandages and stamps into the texture paint. I found this fascinating and did it with my second painting.

The finished result! I painted over the entire picture except for the windmill.
Using drybrushing to complete the painting proved to have a very interesting effect! This was achieved specifically because I applied the Statex so thickly and ensured that there were deep grooves in it.
This was an easy project and lots of fun to do.
The only aspect that took some time was to dry the Statex. But hey! It gives you the perfect time to have a cup of tea.
Enjoy the process!
Monday, January 2, 2012 | By: Kreado

Getting Ready for Kreado 2012

The holiday season is coming to an end for me and I am running around getting ready for the 2012 work year. Last year I have definitely learned that planning is key to everything I do. To be prepared in time is detremental to my peace of mind and health. Sometimes I might take things to far and verge on being a control freak but the opposite end of the spectrum is just not for me. Chaos keeps me awake at night. Plus it adds to my stress levels which I have resolved I would keep to the minimum this year. Or should I say I would learn to control as far as possible. Hence, today was Kreado planning day. My thoughts shortlisted on the following art sessions:

- 21 Jan 2012: Mixed Media Painting
- 18 Feb 2012: Decoupage
- 17 Mar 2012: Scapbook Collage
- 21 Apr 2012: Card Making
- 12 May 2012: Pewter Trays
- 9 June 2012: Mosaic

The above are my current thoughts for our first six Kreado sessions of 2012. They are of course subject to change up until a month before the session. 

Let me know what you think!
Friday, December 23, 2011 | By: Kreado