Friday, December 9, 2011 | By: Kreado

Partly Cloudy

Since there are widespread rains today over our beautiful country, i am sure everyone has clouds on their minds. Or that the clouds are not far away. Me like most people admit that this is truly a welcome reprieve from the extreme heat and humidity. So with the thoughts of clouds, rain, sky and pancakes i have taken the opportunity every now and again to take pictures of our beautiful South African sky with specific emphasis on the clouds. They really inspire me to perhaps start painting. But for the most part i just stand in awe of God's creation. And in awe of the pictures he paints for us every day. And how sad it is that we take it for granted. Do you notice the clouds and the sky?
The amazing storm clouds i saw brewing yesterday (8 Dec 2011) from the Southdowns Mall in Centurion. I almost had an accident just looking at the clouds!

A sunrise cloud from our balcony. Amazing is it not?

Another cloud from the same sunrise. To me it looked more like a wave.

An almost stormy cloud over Route 21 Corporate Park. I can not remember the date but i do remember that this was a drizzly day. Well a little bit anyway.

If i remember this was the sky on the 20th of November at the church. I was on my way to the Christmas sermon. Sometimes i wonder what people think if they see me standing in the parking lot with my phone towards the sky... Maybe they think i'm checking for a signal?

My last pics are from a sunny day near Cullinan. Is that not the bluest of blue skies? Well i might look like a crazy taking these photos but hey! At least now you can enjoy the clouds even after they've gone.


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