Monday, December 20, 2010 | By: Kreado

3 Mosaic Crosses

As promised i'm posting a pic of the crosses i'm busy with. This pic was taken after the grouting was done. In the mean time i've also painted them white. There are some final touches that need to be done. Currently though my art work has been put on ice because of the move. 

This December is beyond hectic for me. Fortunately after this week i'll take a break for a couple of days over Christmas just to get my breath back and catch up on some much needed sleep. And for a couple of days i really do not want to be thinking of lists. It's funny how certain personalities (the organising types) go totally nuts with making lists. I do consider myself an organiser and in times when things start getting chaotic for me i tend to makes lists which take up more time than actually getting things done. Why is that? I've got a theory that lists make me feel more planned and in control. So this must make me a bit of a control freak. What i have been wondering is how people who are not organisers get the job done? Are they more relaxed or do they break down under the pressure the moment everything needs to be done? Or do they just not care?

One thing i have realised though is that moving is not fun. I used to enjoy it but i think that must have been because most of the work was not up to me. Now i have true sympathy with my mother. My other half commented the other day that he would rather us buy the place than move again. I on the other hand think that a moving company is the way to go. But as far as i know they still don't pack things. Just move it. Either way, any help will be a big help!

Thursday, December 9, 2010 | By: Kreado

Dreams of decor

I find myself really interested these days in decor that focus on libraries, home offices and kitchens. Might this be because i love books, cooking and baking and also am dreaming of a home based business? Quite possible! Another reason must be because of the move. I've dreamed of having my own library for years. Actually the library dream has evolved  into a bookshop/coffee lounge idea. Another dream is having an art studio. From next year i think i'll have a art studio/library/study in the spare bedroom. It's a small beginning but an exciting one. Now about the kitchen interest.... well i suspect it's because i've been discovering my inner chef. Ok, apprentice chef. Personally i think that anything created is art.  Don't you agree? Whether it be cooking, crafting, writing or photography, it all comes back to art doesn't it? Isn't it wonderful to have such a variety of art forms? Go visit for some fresh ideas on decor and the latest trends.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010 | By: Kreado

On the Move!

Luna has been having a ball of a time with the boxes i'm using for my move. Every box needs to be inspected, sniffed and approved. My curious cat i think is finding the move rather interesting. Ever wondered what on earth must a cat be thinking? A couple of days ago she decided to take a look at an empty glass cabinet. No, nothing broke! But it was funny seeing my cat in the cupboard. This will be her first move and i hope it all goes well. I've heard that you must keep the kitty indoors for a couple of days so that she can get used to the new home first. She'll be going to the kennels and when she comes back, we'll be in a new apartment! Much the same really except that this one is double the size of the previous one. Oh! All the excitement!

I must be one of the few people in the world who loves to move. I admit it is very tiring but it is also very exciting preparing for a new place, dreaming about what i'm going to put where, looking forward to more space... Ai! It's going to be wonderful even if i'm going to be half dead by the time the unpacking needs to be done.

Interesting though (or should i say typical?) i've hoarded a lot of things since i've moved into my current flat of almost 4 years. It's amazing what i have gathered. The amount of things! What's even stranger is that i don't really want to get rid of anything. Yes, i came across diaries i used in school years ago...but do i want to throw it away? It was nice looking at the again... and i feel a bit sentimental. On the other hand i'll probably only look at them every time we move! 

Hey! It makes the move fun OK!!! Remembering and laughing. 

Wish me luck with the packing because it's not for the faint of heart!
Friday, December 3, 2010 | By: Kreado


I often stand in awe of the beauty of clouds and the sky overall. Personally i believe that God has made each unique sunset for us. Trouble is, so many of us miss it. And it's a once in a lifetime experience you know! That moment you'll never have over again. So I took some pictures to try and capture the beauty of it. The colours where truly fantastic.

It has been cloudy and rainy this week. Yesterday afternoon we had quite a bit of drizzle and early this morning i woke up with the sound of rain. Wonderful! But days like these i really long for my bed! Or sitting on a comfy couch on the balcony under a duvet with some Milo! Or White Hot Chocolate of course! Lol! Luxury to me is found in the little experiences. 

Funny isn't it? That when remembering something it most probably is of a fond experience. Have you ever had a fond memory of something you bought? As in, you are smiling remembering how you bought that certain dvd? Highly unlikely i think! But then this is my personal experience. 

Every morning i read daily mails from Max Lucado. A special piece this morning touched my heart. It was about rediscovering amazement. Meaning, seeing miracles in things we take for granted. For example the ocean, the sky, how wonderfully we're made... Things that have become regular to us, is in fact a display of the magnificence of our Creator God. Makes one think! What miracles are you seeing that you've been missing?

Thursday, December 2, 2010 | By: Kreado

Ongoing Art Projects

As i've mentioned previously, i have some ongoing art projects. The above picture shows my project for our Mosaic and Pewter session. It is not 100% finished since i still need to grout the sides properly and also paint the back and inside. I am however unsure as to what colour i must paint. White or Grey? I feel white is the better option since there is plenty of grey and white just looks cleaner. 

Other than this project i'm also busy with mosaic crosses that have been occupying my shelf space for far to long. Not only do i need to finish the mosaic on them, but also of course the grout and paint part. The one cross i made a pewter center for and will be using the same technique as with the mirror frame above. The tricky part is to level the grout with the tiles where the pewter must come. It's not that easy and it's really messy. But keeping the end product in mind keeps me excited about the project. 

What i've also discovered with the frames i'm busy with is glass cutting. Currently whenever i need glass or mirrors to be cut i go to the glass department of Jimnettes Art Store. I've read up on glass cutting and even watched a short video on how to do it, what tools are needed and so on. I must admit that glass art is still foreign to me and somewhat scary. The beautiful lead glass lampshades, windows etc always has me in awe and perhaps someday i will also familiarize myself with this art form. At the moment though i can't see us doing it at a Kreado session. So for now we'll do the glass painting and glass frosting which is an easy enough project for an art session.