Monday, January 23, 2012 | By: Kreado

Kreado 21 Jan 2012 - Mixed Media Painting

Yesterday we had our first Kreado session with 4 people in attendance. I have to say that I really enjoy the smaller groups because it gives me the opportunity to play with art with them. Sometimes I might even take them through the steps of the project as we go along. A plus point with small groups are also that I can give individual attention and catch up on what is going on in the lives of Kreado's regulars.

During our session yesterday it seemed like we couldn't get enough of speaking about art. Different techniques and different things you can do with mixed media. We also touched on topics regarding being spontanous or following instructions. 

In between all of this we were having fun painting and listening to music. And of course we had our tea breaks. But I must admit that we got so involved with our projects that the coffee and tea got cold.

For our next Kreado we will be doing decoupage. I am still deciding on which project we will do this since my original idea was to use carton schoolcases. At least I think that is what you call them. Remember those brown carton cases that we took to school? We used to buy them from PEP.Unfortunately though they are not being produced anymore. That is what I have heard. So we will decoupage a woonden project and I am leaning towards soming box like or even jewelery box like. I am not sure. We will see what Jimnettes has to offer.
Until next time then!


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